My name is Taylor (Zhiyang) Lin, and I am a master’s student at University of Pennsylvania, studying electrical and computer engineering. I expect to graduate in May, 2023. Resume


As an aspiring professional in the software development industry, my past experience invloves using data structures and algorithms to tackle problems across a wide range of fields, including full-stack, mobile development, and distributed systems. Through my experience in these areas, I have developed a passion for taking on challenging projects that allow me to push the boundaries of my skills and expertise.

As I continue to pursue my passions, I look forward to building connections within the hacker community and learning from others who share my drive for innovation and problem-solving.


Cooking, watching animes and skiing, though as a new hand I spent much time making snow angels amid skiing. It’s an exciting activity, and I just need a few more practices to stop myself from falling down.

Contact Information

Welcome to connect with me on LinkedIn. I can also be reached via e-mail at “hey at” or “zhiylin at”.